
Tricool #2

1. Hackology. Really, realy cool. Get tips on how to hack plus links to underground sites offering free software, music, movies and more. Do note, though, that the software available is mostly of the ‘illegal pirated’ kind. I will not be held liable for any of your actions and/or their consequences.

2. Sparknotes. The place to go when you need free education ( or just a quick review of certain subjects before taking tests like SAT, ACT etc.)

3. Newgrounds. An awesome flash site with games and even southpark-style comedy series that you can see, before they get famous. Needless to say, almost everything is FREE!


Experiental Learning Theory

Many theories try to explain how people learn. This theory was advanced by Kolb, Rubin and McIntyre and I think it is pretty accurate.

They suggest that learning is a continuous cyclic process with four stages as follows:

A. Experience.

B. Observation and reflection. You look back at the experience intospectively, reviewing general issues raised and their significance.

C. Abstract Conceptualisation. Having observed and reflected on the experience, you develop a body of ideas, theories or priciples which can be applied to other similar situations.

D.Active Experimentation. Involves applying the developed principles through creativity, decision making and problem solving.


Complex and Imaginary Numbers

I know most of you who, like me, went through Kenya’s 8.4.4. school system upto secondary school know nothing of complex or imaginary numbers.

My own first encounter with them was in a SAT exam and it was a rude shock.

Just so that none of you get any rude shocks,

Imaginary numbers
The solution to x^2 ( x squared)= 1 is +1 or -1

What about x^2= -1 ?

By defintion, the imaginary number i is the solution to this equation.

i.e. i = square root of -1

Complex Numbers
A complex number is a number that contains both real (normal numbers like 22, 56) and imaginary (i) components. They are usually written as
z = a + ib

Where a and b are real and i is imaginary.

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Tricool # 1

This being the first edition, we’ll give you the usual crap that people can and should do on the web.
(Click on the links to go to the 3 specials sites)

1. Email– electronic mail. faster, more efficient and just better than snail mail. Get it here : yahoo.

2. Chat– ‘talk’ in real time with your friends or complete strangers on the other side of the planet or just next door. Highly addictive. Here: talkcity.

3. Search– for all sorts of crap that probably isn’t very useful to you. Google.


The Calling

” I will return home to her – many centuries have I wandered –
And I will make my offering at the feet of my lovely mother:
I will rebuild her house, the holy places they raped and
And I will make it fine with black wood, bronzes, and
Think of the poor black mother as our Kenya; she waited so long for her infant son to come of age and comfort her and reapy her for the years of shame and neglect of the colonial era.
Unfortunatley, her son turned out to be a shameless politician out to rape and plunder even the little that she had left.
Is this fair, will we ever go forward?
The generation or our fathers has failed our poor mother, it is now up to us!
I beleive this is one of those rare opportune moments in history when a country’s hero comes forth, to be forever immortalised in song, dance and folk lore for his/her achievments. Kenya needs a hero.
It is a calling you and I should answer. We must save Kenya