
Get the Most out of Google

1. Phone Book– type a person’s name, city and state into the search box and google will deliver phone and address listings.

2.Calculate– type a math problem and google will calculate it.

3.Dictionary– type define followed by any English word and google will give you a quick definition.

4.Maps, driving directions and satelite views– enter a city and state (or just a zip code) into the search box.

5.I’m feeling lucky– enter a search item and click this button on the google home page to go directly to the top matching web page for your query.

6.Forecast Weather– Type weather followed by a zip code or name of a city and google will give you the current conditions and a four day forecast.

7.Use the ~ character– put it before a word, with no space in-between to have google look for pages with both that term and its synonyms.

8.Use quotation marks when precision matters. Adding quoation marks around a query tells google to look for ocurences of the exact phrase as it was typed. Helpful when looking for lyrics, people’s names or famous expressions.


Tricool #5

Vuduu-a very nice site where you can play games including some awesome classical games, for free. Oh, yeah…you done have to download nada.

Kenya Alive– this site actually belongs to my pal, Dennis Mwangi. Its a cool site with cool links to cool Kenyan sites. Trust me.

Jinx-according to me, this be the best site for shopping for geek wear and geek gear. Its a subsidiary of the simply awesome


Approaches To Strategy: Last Chapter

The essence of strategy development is ensuring, as much as possible, success in every endeavour. Strategy is thus of capital importance. Luckily, you have this to guide you:

Approaches to strategy:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 4 [b]


Approaches to strategy Part 4 (b)

CFS Analysis (part 2 of 2)

GOTO part 1 of 2

You must then identify key decisions required for the success of each CSF. The key decisions are then used to identify the information requirements. This ensures that there is a link between what must be done and why it is needed i.e it either supports a key decision or forms a performance indicator.

Once you identify the information requirements, gather the information to enable the taking of the key decisions so as to achieve the CSF. The success of this achievment is then measured against the performance indicator of the CSF. Simple.

For example: In oil mining, minimising oil well uncertainty is a CSF. A key decision could be estimating the profitability of drilling sets. Here, information requirements may be: engineering calculations and geological data. Collect the data, perform the calculations and you will be able to estimate the profitability of drilling sets thus minimising oil well uncertainty.

Previous: Approaches to Strategy Part 3
Next: Conclusion


Dual Aspect Concept

Having read the title, you’re probably thinking of the dual aspect concept in accounting. That’s nice……..but its wrong!

For those who don’t know, the dual aspect concept merely ensures that all accounting entries have both a credit and a debit component. This, in turn, ensures that books of accounts always balance, if every entry was made correctly.

Apart from the above, I know practically nothing else about accounting. But I digress.

The duality of this concept is what interests me. This is not just because learning new things is cool but because it gets me thinking…..

Why is the general concept of duality so common, especially in nature? Just think about it. We have two eyes, two ears, two feet, two nostrils……it goes on… binary digits, left and right, even the concept of a word’s opposite( e’g Up Vs Down) is dual in nature. Why is this so, why all the duality? Is someone (or something) trying to tell us something?

Personnally, I think that we should actively strive to achieve perfect balance in our lives by seeking out duality. For example, the easiest way to do this may be seeking out a life partner. Its only natural.

We were not created to live by ourselves. To be happy, you need someone else in your life. Nature seems to exhibit duality more often than not, and so this must be her way of showing us the way forward, right?

But then again it might just be a perfectly pre-concieved plot to veil our eyes and minds from the truth; the true way forward. But what truth? Isn’t it rather difficult to think of the world without its dual aspect? Try it.

Truth is, none of us knows any way forward. All we can do is follow hints from abstract things( like nature, instinct etc) and hope that they point towards somewhere.


DISCLAIMER: My thoughts, values and beleifs are my own. It is my constitutional right to have them. However, the thoughts, values and beleifs depicted here have nothing against and do not intend to discriminate against lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, or even ‘straight’ people.
