
8 Ways How HIV is NOT Transmitted

1. Shaking hands with infected people.
2. Hugging infected people.
3. Sharing clothes with infected people.
4. Sharing utelsils with HIV+ people. As such, it is not at all necessary to invest in a separate set of utensils for him/her that you’ll be washing with hot water. Shame on you!
5. Socialising wit HIV+ people.
6. Supporting HIV+ people.
7. Insect bites. Yes, you can sleep in the same room with him/her; mosquito or other bug bites won’t get you infected. Shame on you!
8. Swimming pools. Dont quit swimming just because ‘siku hizi kuna ukimwi’. Again, shame on you!

Discriminating against HIV+ people wont reduce your chances of being infected. It just reveals more of your intrinsic evil. Don’t do it!


Project SuperBlog


The idea that was born a few days ago is now in the process of becoming a reality.
This is your opportunity to get the opprtunity to regularly get links from a superblog. Join us.

Marazzmatazz said…

i like this idea definitely interested. i get the part about linking back to ourselves, am curious though how will the superlinking work if our own individual blogs have limited linkages? it will somehow be prudent to have massive links on our blogs first, then link this to the superblog. and on a calculative speculative plane, how many links would you say make a small fish blog a supeblog??? might help for devising the rollout strategy 🙂

I checked it out and as you can see, a superblog typically has 10000+ links to it so that means we have to work real hard real quick, and get plenty of people on board. I’m still working on a possible approach or strategy to the whole thing so I happily welcome all of you to chip in.

Have a cool day.


The Ultimate Blog Promotion

So today I was thinking real hard on what to write for Darren’s group writing project and the shabam! It hit me. Right in the old breadbasket. When you get hit there, real hard, you naturally get this feeling that you’re going to throw up……so I pulled up some scraps of paper to protect my clothing, just in case it came too soon. Then it hit me again; SHABAM! The paper was a print out from lifehacker.(No offence intended to lifehacker)

Actually, all that throwin up crap is part of the fancy first paragraph I tried to write…it backfired!
I reall haven’t said what I want to write, have I?

Wouldn’t it be nice to occasionally get links from blogs like problogger, lifehacker, boing boing, the huffington post? I think it would be awesome! (Even if only for improving my technorati rank)

But why would it be awesome? This is because links from such blogs aren’t normal, they’re superlinks. Why? The said blogs are amongst the most highly rated in the blogosphere. This, in turn, partly (from an SEO point of view) results from them being linked-to by so many other blogs, small fish like you and I. So when these super blogs link to you, they just don’t link but they superlink! And your technoratiran jumps up.

Imagine if they could be regularly linking to you.

Does it have to be these exact blogs or just any high ranked/rated blog? How do you get your blog to be high rated? More importantly, which high rated blog will give you free superlinks?
Can you make a superblog? Can we make a super blog? Get my drift?

Let me explain. What if we collaborate to hack a blog of our choice into superblog status and since said blog is ours, we link to ourselves.
Simple plan: I start a blog like, we then agree that we all post to this blog and link to ourselves in these posts. We all get free links, right?

Now for the superlinks. Everyone who posts to our blog must link, from his/her own blog(s), to our blog. If enough of us link to our blog enough times, it will become super. And all the links pointing to our blogs will become superlinks. Get my drift? Cool.

Now, our blog can either be a spammy link spewing link-dump(where you just spam it with links back to you) or something cooler. I vote for something cooler. This is whereby whatever you wanna post to our blog has to be submitted to some editor of sorts who will ensure it is intelligible (fit for human consumption) and adds value to our blog. i.e. our blog should be a blog first and a machine second. This is to say that I think, as a rule, anything to be posted to the blog must be something that we would all enjoy reading, and the linking must be done in a natural way(no link spamming).

This will make the blog fit to stand on its own and it may even attract readers who are not us i.e. it may interest other people, even non bloggers. Then, we will have made history and have taken part in a real cool, beneficial net project and human endeavour.

This is all from the top of my head therefore it may sound wacky right now. Be patient, evaluate it. I think its workable.

Tell me what you think, if you’re interested, whether you see any flaws in my plans and whether you have anything to add on.

Parting Shot: You don’t havce to just link back to yourself. Think affiliates.


A Girl’s Guide to Geek Guys

By Mikki Halpin and Victoria Maat

So, your crush on the bass player from Vibrating Sandbox has finally died a whimpering death and you’re wondering where to go from here. All the sinister dudes are either dating a series of interchangeable high-school riot girls in baby doll dresses and an overdose of manic panic, or permanently shacked up with some bitter old lady who pays all the bills. Which will it be, a wifely prison or a humiliating one night stand? Into this void of potential mates comes a man you may not have considered before, a man of substance, quietude and stability, a cerebral creature with a culture all his own. In short, a geek.


Geek dudes thrive on mystery and love challenges and intellectual puzzles. Don’t you consider yourself one? Wouldn’t you
like a little intellectual stimulation or your own? We thought so.


An Open letter to Safaricom

Dear Safaricom-person-who-is-reading-this,

It is with great trepidation that I disclose my intention to
discontinue our relationship. It has become painfully clear
that we are no longer able to coexist in a productive manner
and I would rather climb a ladder than dig myself deeper.
At this time I suggest a period of seclusion between us in
order to allow this new reality to set in peaceably.
While previous communications may have intimated that I
was committed for a longer or interminable duration this is not
to be the case. I have reflected upon the plight of
predecessors to my situation and I empathize
with those who have elected to politely and tranquilly
abandon ship.

I appreciate your discretion in this proceeding.

This letter of resignation prepared by
iQuit 1.0
Saturday, 16 September 2006 08:06:56