So I attended the most recent Taita Cultural Night, and I had a wonderful time. I’m going to try and share the night with you by posting some pictures. (Videos later – slow uploading). I took the pictures with my moile phone so they aren’t very clear. Still, I hope you enjoy. 😉
First, some food. I labelled it, so that I could explain: 1. Chapati ; 2.Kimanga ya matoke (mashed plantain); 3. Nduda ; 4. Matumbo (tripe) ; 5. Beef; 6. Pure (mixture of beans and maize taita style); 7. Kimanga ya Sweet Potato (mashed sweet potato).
Next, the Taita traditional drink. Commonly made out of sugar cane, honey or corn. This particular glass was from honey but tasted evil. Its traditional name: Mbangara
Some lovely dancing ladies:
Finally, traditional Taita drummers whipping the crowd into a frenzy. Trust me, the drums were AWESOME!!