Having read the title, you’re probably thinking of the dual aspect concept in accounting. That’s nice……..but its wrong!
For those who don’t know, the dual aspect concept merely ensures that all accounting entries have both a credit and a debit component. This, in turn, ensures that books of accounts always balance, if every entry was made correctly.
Apart from the above, I know practically nothing else about accounting. But I digress.
The duality of this concept is what interests me. This is not just because learning new things is cool but because it gets me thinking…..
Why is the general concept of duality so common, especially in nature? Just think about it. We have two eyes, two ears, two feet, two nostrils……it goes on… binary digits, left and right, even the concept of a word’s opposite( e’g Up Vs Down) is dual in nature. Why is this so, why all the duality? Is someone (or something) trying to tell us something?
Personnally, I think that we should actively strive to achieve perfect balance in our lives by seeking out duality. For example, the easiest way to do this may be seeking out a life partner. Its only natural.
We were not created to live by ourselves. To be happy, you need someone else in your life. Nature seems to exhibit duality more often than not, and so this must be her way of showing us the way forward, right?
But then again it might just be a perfectly pre-concieved plot to veil our eyes and minds from the truth; the true way forward. But what truth? Isn’t it rather difficult to think of the world without its dual aspect? Try it.
Truth is, none of us knows any way forward. All we can do is follow hints from abstract things( like nature, instinct etc) and hope that they point towards somewhere.
DISCLAIMER: My thoughts, values and beleifs are my own. It is my constitutional right to have them. However, the thoughts, values and beleifs depicted here have nothing against and do not intend to discriminate against lesbians, bisexuals, transgenders, or even ‘straight’ people.