

Do not forget to remember that every single person you meet, whether male or female is a complete person.

Just like you, they have hopes and dreams; weaknesses and strengths; people they love; people who love them; things they love to do; things they hate to do; things they cannot wait to do; people they cannot wait to meet; people they hate to meet; likes and dislikes; interests and hobbies; good and bad; a past, a present and most importantly, a future.

You did not make anyone who they are.


I try


Will she come?

Because I miss Softie

all evening he waited
anxiously eyeing the clock
retracing his steps
over and over
counting the minutes
until her arrival

kneeling before a crackling fire
adding another log
he rose to check again
his preparations for tonight

the thick sheepskin rug
lay lovingly spread before the flames
waiting for her

the book
the one she longed after
in that tiny shop downtown
rested on the warm stone hearth
waiting for her

the wine
that special bottle
from a few years ago
late fall harvest
sat open
and sweet
waiting for her

the glasses
his best crystal
sat sparkling in the firelight
waiting for her

his hand
stopped a moment
over his heart
and lovingly fingered
the prize there
hidden away in his pocket
where it lay
waiting for her

taking the ring
from its secret place
he gazed at it
mesmerized by its shine
by what it stood for
soon he smiled and
softly slipped it back
to its repose
where it lay
waiting for her

seating himself back on the chair
he resumed his vigil
over the fire
over the wine
over the clock
over himself

and he sat
quiet and lost in thought
waiting for her



And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we’re gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won’t be coming back
No more hanging out cause we’re on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don’t have another day
Cause we’re moving on and we can’t slow down

Those are words from the song “Friends forever” by Vitamin C (video below).

I was listening to this song and I just got to thinking about life, and me. I thought of life back in high school. It feels like just the other day…yet sooooo far away. I had high hopes and dreams back then, but absolutely nothing worked out the way I had planned. Back then I dreamed of doing some high-tech engineering course in uni, then (lol?) starting my own business and making lots and lots of money while pushing the boundaries of my field…..

Well, in reality I did not even study engineering or anything tech. related in uni. I still think of myself as a ‘techie’ but what good is a techie without a solid education? So that part of life did not work out so well, or at least not how I had planned it. Yet if it had, my life would be nothing like it is right now.

I get a sense that things actually do happen for a reason. Because I did end up in my own business, of sorts (in the ‘tech’ field even). And perhaps more importantly, I met my best friend and my future, the beautiful Softie. If things had gone like I planned, would I have ever met her? Probably not. I regret that my high school, and other, plans did not work out. Yet I am pretty much loving how my life is going.

I guess things do happen for a reason. I do not understand it, but all I can say is that you should just live life by your own standards and ideals and take every opportunity that comes your way, with no regrets whatsoever. Don’t let things just happen and life pass you by – go out and actively look for what you want (you will often get it).

I do not know where I’ll be next year or five, ten years from now. But I know that I will not regret being there. I cannot.


Devil’s Night

When the D12 “Devils Night” album came out, I was barely in my teens. When I first heard it, I was hooked. I still am – listening to D12 is almost therapeutic for me.