Hi. Has anyone noticed that the Kenyan Blggers webring is getting too large! (To large to keep in touch with all the blogs, or at least many of them)?
In fact, my friend who joined very recently says that he doesn’t even feel he is in a webring. We (him and I) have been thinking very hard about this. I think the KBW should be a more active part of the blogoshpere. We all keep our blogs up to date, but thats not what I’m talking about. We need to do something together, we as members of the KBW should be more involved in each other’s blogs. We need some activity to galvanize us as one and compell us to know our webring much better. (This will also help in next year’s Kaybees, ama?)
Having thought about this really hard, today I think I came across our solution: A Blog Carnival. This can be a neat way to keep up with all KBW blogs and give everyone a chance to be heard(read?) by the rest of us. I think its an idea worth thinking about.
I identified two types of carnivals, the first one, common in blog rings, is a type of travelling party in which each member of the ring is given an opportunity to host the carnival. Since we have 700+ blogs, we can give everyone one day on the spotlight. As in the carnival start from blog 1 on the ring going forwards. At least then, some of us would have 700 days to prepare for that day when all eyes and mice(that rhymes) are on us. I ruled out the carnival being weekly coz some of us would have to wait 700 weeks!!!
The other type of carnival is a type where the carnival management team (that would be KBW management?) gives us a topic that we all blog about and then hosts everyone’s posts on that topic on some site or, even better, on someone’s blog. This is much like what happened on Kenyan Blogger’s Day 2006.
I propose a sort of hybrid carnival; a travelling carnival in which each week we all write on a specific topic and then all our posts are collected and posted on one person’s blog. Of course this person should be someone who contributed to that week’s carnival. Sine KBW is so large, this thing can’t move from blog 1 onwards since some people would never get to participate so I propose that we come up with some way to choose the next week’s hosting blog. We could, probably, leave this decision to teach week’s host.
This is a very rough idea but I think all of us, as members of the KBW, should give it a serious thought.
1.This can significantly boost each hosts blog rank (eg at technorati)
2. Check out Blog Carnival.